What is the purpose of a virtual chapter meeting?Our virtual, global chapter meetings provide you with the opportunity to cultivate new relationships and connect with existing colleagues globally within the Electronics Industry, while also applying leadership principals derived from the monthly development webinars. WE virtual chapter meetings offer the opportunity to participate in relevant thought leadership discussions, combining both development and networking into one virtual quarterly meeting. Will there be a formal agenda?The virtual chapter meetings are about 75 minutes. We begin with a brief WE organizational corporate update and then a short presentation that promotes thought leadership discussions, utilizing breakout rooms and polling. Do you offer in person networking opportunities on a local level?In addition to the quarterly virtual meetings, we also offer networking events as part of our chapter program. These events are offered as a way to build your local ecosystem at the local level while participating in philanthropical efforts. How do I select a chapter?When you set up your WE account, you have the opportunity to approve the chapter you have been placed in or change the chapter that best fits your needs. All members will be assigned a chapter based on geographic location. If there is not a chapter in your region currently, you will be assigned to the Virtual Chapter and receive materials electronically. Want to start a local chapter? Contact [email protected] The opportunities are endless! Feel free to visit other chapters if you’re traveling. Please keep an eye out for the WE Weekly for chapter meeting dates and announcements. Are there costs associated with the virtual chapter meetings and local networking events?The quarterly virtual meeting and the in person networking events are complimentary for members. Not a WE member but interested in the Chapter Program?Consider joining WE! The memberships dues are $22.00 per month for sponsor companies ($250.00 annually) or $26.00 per month for non-sponsor companies ($297.00 annually). Membership provides you with access to not only chapter meetings, but all other benefits including the Leadership Development Program, Life Balance Series, and Mentorship Program. We invite you to join our community by accessing our membership page. Questions? Contact Susan Leager at [email protected]. |