We’d like to take a moment to thank and honor our Women in Electronics Chapter Leads for their dedication to A Soldiers’ Angels. They organized events across the United States to rally volunteers to ensure that soldier’s and their families could celebrate the holidays without having a financial burden.


Together, they provided toys and gifts to 9 families and 19 children. Thank you again to our fantastic Chapter Leads and WE members for making the holidays bright!


O' What Fun at the WE Holiday Party!

Thank you to all WE members that attended our holiday event, where we chatted about family traditions, tried and true recipes, and ways to have fun! Congratulations to our contest award recipients for your outstanding submissions! 


As our gift to you, please enjoy these festive virtual backgrounds available for download.


Plexus Powers Tech Lab


Supplyframe is Recognized


RS Partners with Smart Works Charity 


Rutronik Celebrates 50th Anniversary


Avnet Awards Nine Grants


We are kicking off 2024’s Business Acumen/Technology Series by exploring the transformative power of Generative AI, Co-Pilot, and Chat GPT technologies. Join us in this session led by Christopher Samulski, Vice President, Data Engineering & Analytics at Argano 4 Microsoft to understand how these advanced tools can empower you to optimize your job performance and streamline mundane tasks more efficiently, all while boosting speed and accuracy.


Strengthening Workplace Belonging In The New Year And Beyond 

Ho, Ho, Holy Stress! Maintaining Mental Wellness During The Holidays


The Fed Delivers Some Holiday Cheer to the Markets


Looking for Experienced Talent?


Open Industry Positions

This week's job opportunities from WE Sponsor companies: Altium, Avnet, DigiKey, and Plexus.

This week's entry level job opportunities from WE sponsor company: Mouser.