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November 30, 2021
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank
This week marks the launch of the season of giving. Sunday was the first night of Hanukkah, a time in the Jewish community to commemorate, dedicate and give. To all of those in the WE community who celebrate Hanukkah, we wish you a happy and joyful celebration.
And in the spirit of giving, today is Giving Tuesday, a day for both individuals and organizations to transform their communities and the world through giving. Whether through Amazon Smile, sponsorship, donation or volunteerism, please considering giving to WE and supporting the valuable work of the community.
WE invites you to our complimentary all-inclusive global event for WE members and non-WE members! With many of us in North America rested from the holiday break, it’s time to connect with our colleagues across the globe to discuss our personal branding! Do you know how you are perceived by others? Your personal brand can have a direct influence on your career trajectory. Learn valuable insights and strategies on how to exude your authentic self at the upcoming global chapter meetings.

Register now for the all-inclusive global Q4 Chapter Meeting!
WE Holiday Happy Hour, Wednesday, December 15th, 4pm PT
Details to follow, but mark your calendars for this fun-filled event.
Sponsor a member! Give the gift of WE to friends, colleagues, and rising leaders. Purchase gift cards here.

Member Highlight
Meet Tobi Cornell, WE Founding Advisory Board Member and Career Corner Chair & VP Distribution, Outside Sales DFW at Kruvand! “What an exciting role I have in the rep world, and what an incredible industry this is! It’s so fun and so different every day!!!” Access Tobi’s WE Interview here.

Welcome Galco Industrial Electronics to the WE Sponsor Family! “Galco helps WE diversify into more verticals, and we are very excited for this opportunity to partner with Galco and the amazing team behind the organization!” – Jackie Mattox, CEO. Access press release here.

Allison Sabia Leader in Highlight Interview - Part 1
Hear from Galco CEO, Allison Sabia, as she provides valuable insights from the perspective of woman rising in a male dominated industry, saying: "Results matter but how you get to the end results matter more. " Allison encourages women to utilize their influence, capitalize on their human (soft) skills, and surround themselves with emotionally intelligent leaders and talent.

Galco Career Opportunities
Click here to view career opportunities available at Galco.
Business Acumen
Can the market keep on giving? While the pandemic and policy uncertainties are credible risks to the market, it shouldn’t be lost that the S&P 500 is tracking to be the fifth-best yearly gain in the last two decades.
Access Market update here


WE Wire
The ability for a leader to build trust is critical. Access article here for how to avoid mistakes.
Trying to shed some extra pounds? Hitting the gym is great, but make sure you are eating well and taking the necessary supplements. Access article here.
WE Insight
Owning your personal brand is not about creating an image. It is about being conscious of how you impact others. It requires self-reflection and awareness, the humility to receive critical feedback, and mindful development.

“No one has ever become poor by giving."
– Anne Frank
Make it a great week!

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