Based on our survey results, 100% of our Summit attendees want to join us again next year and would recommend a friend! To help us plan for 2024, please submit your interest today!


October's WE Member Highlight is Crishana Runge, Head of Operations at Dove Electronic Components, Inc. WE sat down with Crishana and learned how she got her start in the Electronics Industry plus lot's more...


How did you get your start in the Electronics Industry?
"I began my career in the Electronics industry through my background in Finance. I relocated with my family and took an accounting position at a nearby electronic component distributor, Dove Electronic Components, Inc., and the rest is history. I moved from one role to the next until I was in a leadership position, and as my experience grew, so did my love for the business."


Supplyframe Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary


Avnet Donates to Crisis Efforts in Hawaii


Rutronik Celebrates 50 Years in the Industry 


All of the research shows that mentorship and allyship are critical to advance our careers. In recent findings from the Women in the Workplace study, it was confirmed that the broken rung occurs at the entry management to mid-management level. Join us for an upcoming webinar with Dr. Shawn Andrews on the 7 Levels of Allyship as we explore ways to influence progress in this area.


What Happened to Goldilocks? Three Hot Takeaways From Last Week's Cold Market


Why Gender Parity and Empathy Must Coexist in Leadership

12 Powerful Self Awareness Techniques You Need to Know


Breast Cancer: A Survivor's Story and What You Should Know


This week's job opportunities from WE Sponsor companies: Altium, Mouser, Newark, and Plexus.

This week's entry level job opportunities from WE sponsor company: Newark.


While women have made significant gains in senior leadership (17% in the C-suite in 2015 as compared to 28% in 2023), there is still more progress to be made across every career stage. By focusing on the middle of the talent pipeline (mid-management levels), the group next in line for leadership positions, organizations can take actions to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace.


Eleanor Roosevelt was the longest-serving First Lady throughout her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four terms in office (1933-1945). She was an American politician, diplomat, and activist who later served as a United Nations spokeswoman. She became an advocate of the rights and needs of the poor, of minorities, and of the disadvantaged. The public was drawn in by the First Lady's exploits and adventures which she recounted in her daily syndicated column, "My Day".