In Lieu of Our Regular Monthly Leadership Development Webinar, WE has Added Another Livestream that is Open to All!

Lynn Torrel will kick off the “Ladies in Leadership” day of programming on September 20 at our 7th Annual Leqdership Development Summit, “Level Up”, by highlighting areas that have contributed to her career advancement; confidence, self-advocacy, taking ownership of career decisions, being an active listener, and ultimately, leading leaders!


Share with your colleagues and teams!

Access “Leading Leaders” Livestream Registration

Download Sharable “Leading Leaders” Livestream Flyer


Livestream: Michael Knight’s, “Coding Diversity into Technology” on Sept 21 for Our WE United Day of Programming

Access “Coding Diversity into Technology” Livestream Registration

Download Sharable “Coding Diversity into Technology” Livestream Flyer


As this 10-week mentorship cohort concludes, we want to congratulate all mentors and mentees on a very successful session! The goal of our Mentorship Program is to advance WE members in the industry by providing strategic career planning and development, inclusive leadership tools and best practices, and the opportunity to build relationships. The testimonials are impactful, so stay tuned for takeaways from program veterans! 


Our next cohort kicks off in October and has reached capacity, but applications are now open for 2024.

Mentee Application - Q2 2024

Mentor Application - Q2 2024


Reminder! On Thursday, September 7th @ 12:00 PT, WE will go live on Instagram to review the exciting new Yapp tool for the Summit and give information on our freshly curated networking session. See you there! 


RUTRONIK Honors Women’s Equality Day

RS Reinforces Their Commitment to a Gender-Diverse Leadership Team


Some cooling in the labor market? 3 signs from last week.


See Lynn Torrel’s insights regarding LinkedIn article, Future of Supply Chain.

Hear a fascinating perspective from Michael Knight in his recent LinkedIn article, Thoughts on the Future of Technology.

11 Good Morning Exercises to Help You Loosen Up for the Day


This week's job opportunities from WE Sponsor companies: Altium, Plexus, and TTI.

This week's entry level job opportunities from WE sponsor company: TTI.


Priya Parker works to help people create collective meaning in their lives through gatherings. She is a master facilitator, strategic advisor, acclaimed author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters, and the host and executive producer of the New York Times podcast, Together Apart. Trained in the field of conflict resolution, Parker has worked on race relations on American college campuses and on peace processes in the Arab world, southern Africa, and India. She studied organizational design at M.I.T., public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, and political and social thought at the University of Virginia. She lives with her husband and two children in Brooklyn, NY. @priyaparker