Fei-Fei Li is a computer scientist and physicist who served as the co-director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute from 2014-2018. She focused on cognitive and computational neuroscience, and machine learning to improve AI image recognition ability.  


She also served as vice president of Google and chief scientist of AI and machine learning at Google Cloud. 


Connecting with Sponsors


How To Overcome Gendered Perceptions of Women in Leadership

A 12-Minute Meditation to Set the Tone for Your Leadership


The U.S. Labor Market: Early Signs of Fatigue?


Open Industry Positions

This week's job opportunities from WE Sponsor companies: Altium, Mouser, and TTI.

This week's entry level job opportunities from WE sponsor company: TTI.

Talent Management in the Age of AI 


Mary Barra is an American businesswoman who has been the chair and CEO of General Motors since 2014. From this, she became the first female CEO of a “Big Three” automaker.


*Individuals highlighted are selected as role models and their photos have been selected from the public domain. Quoted individuals have not endorsed our program, nor are they affiliated with the WE organization.